How to Edit Your Profile


To edit your profile, select where it says “Welcome (Your name)” at the top-right corner of the webpage and then select “My Profile” from the drop menu.

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You may also click on the tab “User Profile” and then “View Profile”.

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This will redirect to a different page where you can edit your personal info, reset your password, and subscribe to SMS notifications.

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After you have changed any information, you must click “Submit” to update. The website will prompt you if the information has been updated successfully.

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To change password, you must input your current password first and then input your new password twice. You must click “Change” to update. The website will prompt you if the information was updated successfully.

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To subscribe for SMS notifications, click “Subscribe” and then “Submit”. A verification code will be sent to the phone number registered to your account. That verification code must be input to initiate the SMS subscription.