To create an account, visit the property’s residential website.
Click “Register Here” next to “Don’t have an account yet?”.
You must create a username and password, and register with your first name, last name, and email address.
Click “Next” to continue to the following page.
Add your full address at the property. It is important that you input your correct address. Registering an incorrect or incomplete address may result in the failure to deliver your passes.
The property password is listed on the Welcome Letter you should have received from your leasing/management office.
The coupon box can be left empty.
You must read the Terms & Conditions. Upon reading them, you must click the checkbox stating you confirm that you have read and understood the Terms & Conditions.
An additional window will appear for a second confirmation. You must click the checkbox next to “I have read and understand”.
Click “Submit” and you will automatically be logged into your account.